Phone: 281-580-4374
Adress: 24 Tidwell Rd.
Houston, Texas 77022
Pashcal Donations
Sisterhood of St. Xenia of St. Petersburg
St. Vladimir Church
Troparion tone 4
Sitting on the throne of God-protected Kiev,
thou wast like a merchant seeking goodly pearls, O Vladimir.
Thou didst search and Send to the Imperial City
to know the Orthodox Faith.
Thou didst find Christ the Pearl of great price,
Who chose thee like Paul and enlightened thy blindness at the Font.
Thy people celebrate thy repose:
wherefore pray for Russia and all peoples,
that the Orthodox may be granted peace and great mercy.
Church quire singing St. Vladimir's Troparion.
Kontakion tone 8
Like the Apostle Paul, O Vladimir,
thou didst abandon childish ways
and in manhood wast royally adorned with Baptism.
Now thou art joyfully standing
in the presence of Christ our Saviour:
pray that Orthodox Hierarchs and people,
and all creation, may be saved.